When we meet…
Sunday Morning
Morning Worship - 10:25 am
Children's Church - 11:15 am* (during the ministry of the Word )
Fellowship - 12:00 noon* (immediately following service )
*These times are approximate
Sunday morning worship begins with a call to order and opening prayer at 10:25am.
To promote family worship, families remain together during the time of singing, prayer, testimonies, giving, and announcements. Children enjoy the music, and observing their parents worshipping builds precious memories and encourages their own faith.
Following the announcements, the children (ages 2 through 12 years), are dismissed to Children's Church. This specialized ministry takes place during the time of the ministry of the word (preaching and teaching).
Nursery facilities are available for individual use from about 10:00am. A nursery attendant is available for ministry to our youngest saints (ages 3 months thru about 2 years) immediately following the song service.
Wednesday night has been set-aside for mid-week Bible Study. Starting at 7:00pm and lasting until about 8:00pm, these studies give the saints an opportunity to investigate a broad range of textual studies, as well as selected Christian life topics that are applicable to their lives and vital to the spiritual health of every Christian. Textual studies and course topics are announced in the weekly bulletin and during Sunday morning announcements.
Mid-Week Bible Study runs year-round, with two (2) designated breaks --
1) three weeks in December (for celebrating and enjoying the Christmas season), and
2) the months of July and August (to allow for vacations and summer family time).
(classes end around June 21st and resume around September 15th)
Mid-Week Bible Study
Intercessory Prayer Gathering
The Second Sunday of every month has been set-aside for honoring the Lord and ministering to His people through intercessory prayer. Following our fellowship time, Sunday morning concludes with intercessory prayer in the main sanctuary from 12:45pm until 1:45pm. This time includes both corporate and individual prayer (as needs arise). Pastor Bruce & Pastor Marty oversee this ministry area. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Visitors are always welcome! (This is a year-round ministry area.)
Special Services
Communion Service: We celebrate the Lord's Table ("Communion") on the second Sunday of every month during morning worship. All believers and their children are welcome and invited to participate.
Baptismal Services: Following instructional classes, baptismal services are held on an "as needed" basis. Anyone old enough to understand their need for salvation, and what water baptism entails, is eligible for baptism. Anyone interested in being baptized should contact one of our pastors. (Parental consent and involvement is required for children under the age of 18 years.)
Baby Dedications: We celebrate the blessing of God's gift of children by dedicating them to the Lord. Dedication services are held on Sunday morning as a part of the morning worship. Please see one of our Pastors for more information.