How to find us…
Driving North or South on WA I-5:
Take exit 127 (Mount Rainier/Puyallup) onto State Route 512 East (the exit is located just south of the city limits of Tacoma). Proceed east on SR 512 East about 2.0 miles. Take the Pacific Avenue, Parkland/Spanaway exit (State Route 7). Turn right. Proceed south on Pacific Avenue South (SR 7) approximately 4.0 miles to 176th Street East. Turn left. Proceed east on 176th Street (1.5 miles) to 22nd Avenue East. Turn right. Proceed south on 22nd Avenue East (2.5 miles) to 215th Street East. Turn left. The entrance to the SCC parking lot is on your immediate left. Follow the sign into the facility.
Driving from the Puyallup / South Hill area:
South bound on Meridian Avenue East (State Route 161), turn right (west) onto 176th Street East. Proceed west on 176th Street to 22nd Avenue East (about 5.0 miles). Turn left. Proceed south on 22nd Avenue East (2.5 miles) to 215th Street East. Turn left. The entrance to the SCC parking lot is on your immediate left. Follow the sign into the compound.
Driving from the Graham / Eatonville area:
North bound on Meridian Avenue East (State Route 161), turn left (west) onto 224th Street East. Proceed west on 224th Street (about 5.0 miles) to the Mountain Highway (SR 7). Turn right. Proceed north to 22nd Avenue East (about 0.25 miles). Turn right. Proceed north on 22nd Avenue East (about 0.4 miles) to 215th Street East. Turn right. The entrance to the SCC parking lot is on your immediate left. Follow the sign into the compound.