Our doctrine…
Doctrine is a fancy word for “a body of teaching or instructions.” When we talk about our doctrines, we are referring to the things we teach and preach about.
The following are some common questions that people have when they are thinking about visiting a new church.
Q. What do you believe and teach about the Bible?
We believe that the Bible (including both the thirty-nine books of the canonical Old Testament, and the twenty-seven books of the canonical New Testaments) is a library of books inspired by God, that it is without error in the original text, and we hold it to be the sole and final authority in all matters of faith and doctrine, life and practice.
We believe that the Bible has been given by God to humanity that we might better know Him, His will, and His ways. And, though it is a book of firm commandments, it is also a book of comfort and grace which gives us hope - hope that God Who created us is also God who redeemed us from our sins by becoming a man and by dying on the cross of Calvary to pay the price for man's rebellion and sin and to redeem us from slavery to sin and the Devil.
No one should minimize the severity of the punishment awaiting all who reject God's salvation, which is freely available by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. On the other hand, no one should magnify the grace of God to the point that no person would suffer eternal damnation, despite living lives marked by rebellion and sin. The Bible is a book of both severity and of forgiveness - of mercy and of truth.
What is doctrine?
Q. What do you believe and teach about the Holy Spirit?
We believe that the Holy Spirit (who is fully and truly God), is given to all believers as a seal of (and at the point of) true faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We believe that this self-same Holy Spirit has also been given to the Church to empower us by grace to accomplish the mission given us by Christ Jesus Himself, which is to reach out to a lost and dying world with the only true Gospel of Hope through faith in Jesus Christ.
We also believe that this power is made real in the life of the believer through the fruit (Galatians 5) and the gifts (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 through 14, Ephesians 4) of the Holy Spirit. We believe these gifts are for today, and we firmly believe that all expressions of these gifts are to be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14). Excesses or extremes of any kind or type must be considered as extremely rare, and are the exception, rather than the rule.
Q. What do you believe and teach about tithing?
While we believe each member of the Body of Christ must determine in their own heart what they should give, yet we must never brush aside the firm admonition of the Lord found in Malachi 3:8-12 and Matthew 23:23-24.
We all realize that God doesn't need our money. Nevertheless, we must never forget that God uses money as both a tool to further the work of His Kingdom and as a test of faith. In the New Testament, Jesus tells the Pharisees that they should continue to tithe ("these are the things you should have done...") but not forget the other “more important” matters that must be accomplished as well. So we can see tithing in both the Old and New Testaments.
Therefore we believe that tithing is for today and that each believer must strive to make tithing a part of his or her regular routine of sacrifice and giving. The economic blessings which accompany obedience and the economic curses which come when we hold back from God are very Scriptural and very real.
Q. What do you believe and teach about water baptism?
Looking at the Scriptural evidence we must conclude that the New Testament presents "believer's baptism" as the model to be followed. We know that other believers hold strongly to varying positions on this water baptism and we have determined not to break fellowship over the method or timing of water baptism. However, it is clear that Jesus commanded us to baptize in water, so we strive to be obedient to His command by administering water baptism according to our best understanding of the Scriptural pattern.
We believe that a young person can be baptized when they can reasonably understand their own sinful condition and their need for salvation. So, we dedicate babies and infants, and we and baptize adults and older children when each can reasonably demonstrate their understanding of sin, salvation, and faith in Jesus in an age-appropriate manner.
Q: What do you believe about the End Times and the return of Christ?
With so many different understandings regarding the end times and events surrounding the return of Christ, our leadership has determined to take a more pragmatic or practical approach to the doctrine of the Second Coming. While there are strongly held beliefs by various members of our congregation and even among our leadership concerning this topic, as a church we take the following stance:
1) Jesus gave us three points of wisdom concerning His second coming:
NO ONE BUT GOD THE FATHER knows with absolute certainty when Jesus will return;
While He is away each Christian has work to accomplish, and each will be held accountable for that work at the Judgement;
We should always watch and pray, with the understanding that He could return at any moment (See Mark 13:32-37).
2) In the book of Daniel, the Lord told the prophet that there would be a time when those that need to know will know of the coming of the Lord (i.e., of His return). This can be counted as a guarantee that those who are His, will, at the appointed time, not be caught unaware of His imminent return (see Daniel 12:8-10).
Therefore, we hold this understanding: as believers, we should always be ready (watching, working, praying) for the Lord's return, for only the Father knows the exact day or hour. Nevertheless, we have the guarantee that if we are His, and if we are living in obedience to His commands, we will not be caught by surprise or be unprepared upon His return.
Q: What do you believe about Homosexuality?
If God is indeed our Creator, then He is the One who holds sway over every aspect of our being - including our 'sexuality.' And again, if God is our Creator, then we as His creation, must yield to His determination and will concerning who we are, how He has made us, and what we do with what He has given us. Looking then to His word as our guide for all things practical and spiritual, we see the following:
The Old Testament clearly pronounces homosexuality to be a sin of the most serious degree, for as with the sin of adultery (see Leviticus 20:10), the penalty for engaging in homosexual activity was death (see Leviticus 20:13). Why? Because the very act violated God's divine order, and smacked of rebellion of the most heinous kind. For, without the Holy Spirit's enabling power, there was not hope for change for the ones involved in these kinds of actions or activities. The New Testament likewise, presents homosexuality as a sin of the deepest, most serious kind leading eventually to a reprobate (depraved, morally corrupt) mind (see Romans 1:18-27).
What then should be our stance as Christians and as a church? Though ridiculed and belittled by some, our position must be the same as with any sin that attacks the spirit and destroys the soul of those that do not know God...we will love the sinner, and yet hate the sin (see Jude 1:17-23).
We realize, homosexuality is NOT the unpardonable sin. And, there are many who have shed this lifestyle, and been freed from these spiritual, mental and physical chains by confessing homosexuality as a sin and by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Study after study has shown homosexuality to be a lifestyle choice, NOT a genetic pre-determination. It is a choice, pure and simple. And, as with any sinful choice, the only rest for the soul will come with confession and repentance.
Jesus loves the homosexual! He loved them enough to die on the cross for them and for their sin. BUT, He also loves them enough to not want them to remain ensnared in their sin, trapped in their lifestyle, and in bondage to the guilt and shame that accompanies their activities and actions. He wants them to be truly, honestly and sincerely free. And as a church we stand ready to support all those who truly desire to be set free. You are welcome here!
Q: What do you believe about Christians and politics?
The Bible tells us that it is God who has ordained (i.e., established) all authority (see Romans 13:1). It tells us also that God is the One who raises up and brings down kingdoms, nations and rulers, and is the One who ultimately determines how long each will last and where each will exist (see Daniel 2:37; Habakkuk 1:6; Acts 17:26). Therefore, if God has ordained that America have a form of government where the people are ultimately in authority, then 'we the people' have a God-ordained responsibility (obligation) to rule - to be involved with the whole political process at all levels. Voting and political and civic involvement are simply part of that responsibility.
As God's people we must understand, those that do not know God - including those who do not, or will not honor Him - will never (of their own free will or volition), seek to do those things that please God or that put His precepts or priorities first. This is not to say God has no influence over them. It does say however, they will not willfully (intentionally, purposefully), remember God's principles when making decisions or passing judgment.
It must be remembered, God is not part of any one political party or movement (to the exclusion of all others). For it is by honoring Him that we receive approval and blessing - whether as an individual or as a group.
Therefore as Christians, we have a God ordained obligation to be involved in our nation - in all areas and at all levels. For by our honoring His word and by our following His guiding principles and precepts, our nation can and will prosper and be secure (see Psalm 33:12; Proverbs 29:2; 1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Do you have a question that is not covered here?
If you have questions about the Bible, our church, our beliefs and teachings, or anything else related, please let us know! We will do our best to answer your questions. You can reach out to us via our contact form.