Our leadership…
Rev Dr Bruce L Bronoske Sr
Senior Pastor
Pastor Bronoske is Senior Pastor of Spanaway Christian Center and has served the congregation in that capacity since its inception in 1983. Dr Bronoske is a native-born, life-long resident of the greater Pierce County area, having been born in Tacoma and raised in Lakewood. A 1967 graduate of Lakes High School, Dr Bronoske went on to receive his Associate of Arts and Science degree (AAS) from Tacoma Community College in 1970 with targeted studies in mathematics and American History. Having felt a call to ministry from his youth, in 1973 Dr Bronoske answered the call of the Lord and began ministry training under the tutelage of the Rev Linnis F Perry, Senior Pastor of Peace Assembly Church in Tacoma. Ordained in 1977, Dr Bronoske served Peace Assembly as Elder, Senior Teacher and the Administrator of Peace Assembly Christian School until 1983, when he and his family, along with a team of three other families were sent to begin the work that became Spanaway Christian Center.
Educationally, Dr Bronoske received his Bachelor of Arts in Religion (BAR) and Master of Divinity (MDiv) degrees from Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary in Tacoma, WA, and his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from Bakke Graduate University of Ministry in Seattle, WA. Included in his academic accomplishments was an "Academic Excellence" award from Faith Seminary for "Superior Achievement at the Graduate Level."
Before retiring in 1999 - after twenty-five years of federal service - Dr Bronoske served as a Warranted Contracting Officer and Supervisory Contract Specialist for the U.S. General Services Administration in Auburn, WA. Along with supervising a unit of four professional contract specialists, Dr Bronoske supported both military and civilian agencies with the procurement of various supplies and services. At retirement he received the "Administrator's Exceptional Service Award" for his twenty-five years of dedicated service to the Federal Government and the American people.
Being involved within the broader Christian community - since 2007, Dr Bronoske has been a member of the faculty (Professor of Applied Ministry & Pastoral Studies), and the Doctor of Ministry Program Coordinator at Faith International University & Seminary in Tacoma.
Dr Bronoske married Ginger - the former Virginia L Byrnes of Milton, WA - another Pierce County native and life-long resident in 1977 and thus began their ministry life together-. Ginger was born in Puyallup, graduated from Fife High School and received her Associate of Arts (AA) degree from Highline Community College in Federal Way, WA. Ginger was an exceptional administrator and a gifted teacher who blessed the congregation of SCC as first lady until her being called home to be with the Lord in 2020. Her strength and grace – even during her time of illness – set an example of faith and service that has had a lasting impact upon our congregation. She is greatly missed.
Bruce and Ginger's family includes three grown children, a daughter-in-law and son-in-law, and five grandchildren (who are their constant joy).
Rev Martin A Johnson, MTS (Elder)
Associate Pastor, Congregational Care Pastor
Marty is originally from Flint, Michigan, but the Lord 'transplanted' him to the Tacoma area in order that he may be joined the team at SCC after Marty served as Youth Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Tacoma. A gifted preacher and teacher, Marty serves as First Associate and Congregational Care Pastor at SCC, but also continues to serve our youngest saints by overseeing our Children's Church ministry.
Robbin, Marty’s wife, was also a gifted teacher and administrator who very much complemented Marty's ministry. Robbin was an encourager and enjoyed one-on-one ministry with the women of SCC. Sadly, after a years-long battle, Robbin was called home by the Lord in 2019. She is greatly missed by all.
Rev Randy L Wilson and Dagmar Wilson
Elder, Associate Pastor
Randy is the Youth Pastor at SCC, and prior to his ordination as Elder, served the congregation of SCC as Senior Deacon. In their secular work, Randy and Dagmar were/are Postal Supervisors with the US Postal Service. By his long time faithfulness in the area of Youth Ministries and by his diligent work with the children and youth of SCC, Randy has proven himself to be a man of excellent character and diligence in the things of the Lord. Randy has an excellent word of exhortation and encouragement, which radiates from a life that honors the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dagmar has a gentle heart and spirit and is active in various areas around the church including teaching and areas of administration. Both Randy and Dagmar add a special grace and 'flare' to our house which blesses all those with whom they come in contact.